Ceremonial Offerings
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Ceremonial Offerings

Ceremonial Offerings

Welcome home to your Self.

It takes deep belief in self to evolve, to face the fears that come running toward you when you get even an inkling of a new beginning. This sounds like courage and it is literally that; it is love of who you are ——- becoming.

True courage is wisdom learned and an embracing deep love of self, life and the unfolding mystery called you.

I have created indigenous wisdom based ceremonies for those on the threshold of becoming. Becoming means you are evolving. There is an ending or one is being asked of you. There is a door opening for you to cross its threshold.

What is calling you to evolve?

  • A career ending to lead into a soul led vocation
  • Time to complete or begin grieving
  • Being named from your soul
  • Who are you now that you are an empty nester, divorced, retired?

How we are taught to grow up:

We are taught that when we are adults (however defined) it is up to us alone to mature, move through the curves of life, find our right work, and parent well. We ignore or understand our every changing identities.

Many of us are never taught how to work with internal or external conflict, our emotional or empathic intelligence, or money, to name a few. Yet these aspects of you heavily influence your life. You are supposed to figure out who you are and be that person forever, all on your own.

The truth is most of us are over defined by our work and the roles we play in life. You are more than what you do. You are an ever-evolving soul, when allowed. What is often termed a midlife crisis is truly a crisis because you are alone or given advice from others, based on what they would or would not do.

Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another

– Juvenal

You were never meant to walk this path alone

Ceremony puts you at the precipice of your next threshold and has you cross that threshold with an embodied knowing of who you are, and who and what you are not. This is passage of releasing any self or soul negotiation. This is the passage of becoming embodied wisdom and love.

The Indigenous Way

Every indigenous culture marks rites of passage with ceremony.
Rites of Passage are phases in our life when we are meant to evolve. Rites of passage or initiations are not just key moments in life, such as, birth, coming of age or death.

It is those times in life when you are moving more deeply into your Divine sense of self, connecting to your soul, passion, purpose and completing a way of being or a path. When you honor your paths, the transformation of identities, you understand and expect that you will continuously grow into someone new while letting go of the old ways.

In the Ceremonial Way you are assisted by a community of your choosing to walk through the threshold of your next becoming. With love, respect and support, your chosen witnesses stand with you as you flower. This is an honor for them and powerful witnessing for you.

As you live into this soul up-leveling, your chosen ones are there to support you. They are supporting you as you hesitate, leap, tremble, question, and ultimately lovingly and courageously honor yourself.

We Belong to One Another

Why Ceremony?

In the Native way, ceremony implies a time to honor. It is a deliberate practice of giving time and presence to the changes that occur in a person’s life. The teachings from this purposeful way is to teach the individual to meet and grow with life, respect, love, and to experience personal and spiritual freedom.

Where does Ceremony Take Place?

Ceremony always takes place in person and in nature with chosen family present. Your people and nature are crucial in creating communion. Communion is belonging experienced.

Doing ceremony in nature grounds the initiated in their knowing of belonging to the elemental world. Nature creates an experience of fullness that is often expressed as “Ahhh”. Your nature and the natural world are one. Melanie gives you personalized teachings of how to access nature for your maturation and growth.

In the presence of your chosen people you cross the threshold. They witness and offer continued support in navigating your new path and identity.

The foundational purpose for ceremony is to:

  • Honor the soul’s need for completion (including the soul of a business)
  • Honor the desire/need to move forward
  • Be witnessed and supported long after the ceremony
  • Communicate in nature (where evolution organically occurs and you are receiving “energy” from the natural world)
If we do not initiate the young in to the village,
They will burn it down just to feel the warmth.

– African Proverb

Ceremonial Offerings

All ceremonies are customized for you. Below are the names, and a few aspects that they can represent.

Seed the Corn

A time to plant the seeds for what is to come and grow.
A career change (for example from corporate to self-employed).
Moving out of religion into spiritual life.
Planting of a creative idea.

Bury the Bones

Honoring what is finishing in your life.
Such as a way of being/having/thinking, relationships, past hurts,
or current grudges. You want to grow something new in you.

Bear Medicine

Healing can take on many faces. Examples include healing the restricted, abandoned, or stunted child within. Healing from the experience of inappropriate sexual behavior, or what has been done to you by another that suppressed your soul’s beingness. It’s time to take back your Self. No one has authority to name you except you. Self owning is your inherent right and your medicine. This is a completion ceremony in which we release you from false oppression. When you are clear that you are complete with your wound and have learned what it had to share, you are prepared for the Healing Ceremony.

Coming of Age

Honoring the child moving into young adulthood. This for a the young one who is emotionally and spiritually ready to step into her/his first stage of adulthood. Here, the young one is brought forth by their elders (parents, aunts, uncles or other chosen family members) to be counseled, witnessed, and supported as they begin this path. The initiated works with Melanie to define what support they see they need and from whom. The elders work with Melanie in clarifying their roles during and after the ceremony.

Beauty Above, Beauty Below

When you are ready to see your radiant worth. it is time for a Beauty Way Ceremony. In this ceremony, in truth and in service to the world, you humbly admit who you are. No longer do you step around naming your medicine. Here you make a vow to honor this you. As you admit who you are the world gathers to meet you.

Calling of the Soul’s Return

For those people in your life that have left themselves.
Example: children, parents and partners that are lost souls,
emotionally disconnected, addicted and unable to receive help.

Drying of the Tears

When it is time to complete the grieving of a death,
be that a physical death or an ending of a relationship.

Purpose Rising

You have known and heard from your purpose but now you are willing to step fully in it. You are no longer denying, hiding, or fearing what you are called into being. You are ready to honor your very being. Rooted in this medicine, you listen more within now. You are stepping on the path of congruence, integrity and healing. This a joyous party where you are celebrated.

Self-Forgiveness and or Forgiveness

Forgiving people or self, for harm done in any fashion.
Letting go of old wounds inflicted on others or self.
Releasing obligatory guilt and lack of self-trust.
Freeing self from shackles of shame, distrust of others/self, and fear.
Stepping more fully into self-love.


Sexual Identity Change – declaring, belonging who you are.
Adoption of a child into the family.
Declaration of chosen family ceremony.
Declaration of individual decision to belong to this world.


This ceremony is for spiritual teachers, sages and mystics who are willing to stand in their authority and self naming of their medicine. All too often, the teacher takes a stand of false humility in not owning their sage wisdom and mysticism. You can be humble and own that you are this One.

Stepping into high-level intuition.
Honoring the mystic within.

Becoming an Elder Rites of Passage

Honoring the cultivation of wisdom.
Stepping into embodiment of being an elder.
Marking a new beginning.

The Wolves Mate Forever

Life Partner Ceremony

All My Relations

Ceremony for the preparation of your transition to the spirit world.
A time to say and do what you desire to be complete in this earthly realm.
Ceremony for a child who has transitioned.

These are a few of the ceremonies.

Together we create what honors your soul.

Reach out to me here.

What else do I need to know?

When we work together, we are going to get personal and go deep.
I am one who sees others. What I know is that when I am in proximity to others, I can “hear” what is happening at a soul level. This intuitive talent allows you and I to get to the heart and soul of the work we will do together and it was the reason I was a sought after coach.

I am straight forward with compassion. I trust we have come together, even if you don’t know what is calling you to ceremony, to get to the essence of who you are becoming. Our work is to put you at the precipice of the threshold and have you cross that threshold with an embodied knowing of who you are, and who and what you are not.

Timing of Ceremonies

Ceremonies can take up to four months to prepare (and much less time as well). Timing has many factors that will increase or decrease preparation.

Some of those include:

  • Availability of client and chosen family for three 30-minute to 1-hour conversations.
  • Securing the location of the ceremony.
  • Client readiness.

The Why, What & the How of Your Ceremony

Why we do ceremony

The reasons are many. The most important reasons are to be supported and witnessed as you move forward. The idea that you are supposed to change or grow alone actually keeps people and business from true change (also known as transformation, maturing and becoming wiser).

Ceremony creates a context to be supported by an elder (me) and those who support you (your chosen ones). They are with you as you take your first steps out into this new you. You do not have to go it alone – you have loving support.

When we work together, we are going to get personal and go deep.
I am one who sees into others. When I am in proximity to another person, I pick up on what is happening at a soul level. This set of skills allows you and I to bypass any fear or resistance and get into the heart and soul of the work we will do together and it was the reason I was a sought after coach.

I am straightforward with compassion. I trust we have come together, even if you don’t know what is calling, to get to the essence of who you are becoming. Our work is to put you at the precipice of the threshold and have you cross that threshold with an embodied knowing of who you are, and who and what you are not. Clarity. Support. Courage and Love are our grounding.

What is Ceremony

Here, ceremony means to honor, witness, and support the one who dares to be initiated.

Ceremony is a process of honoring your maturation and evolution. You are growing into a new way of being in the world and that is worthy of taking note.

I customize each ceremony based on the individual.

Because what we are doing is rooted in Native American spirituality, ceremony means:
It is rooted in indigenous wisdom – this means all ceremonies take place in nature (typically near trees or a body of water – except beaches). We work with the elements because they are the greatest example of evolution.

Indigenous people work with and care for nature and the elements (sky, fire, water, earth), therefore our initiation process together will include them.

How We Work Together

We begin with a forty-five minute call to discover if this is the best path for you. Upon working together, you will complete Ceremonial pre-work and consider who the 3-10 chosen people will be to support you and attend the ceremony.

You and I will meet every few weeks, by phone or Zoom (video conferencing) preparing you for the ceremony.

I will be working with you to clear any internal obstacles and helping you to embody, verbalize and take action in your new identity and path. I customize the ceremony to match where you are and where you’re headed.

This work will be exciting and sometimes demanding and it will work with your schedule.

I work one-on-one and in-group, online.

Your Chosen Friends/Family
Melanie will work one-on-one and in-group to prepare them in their roles at the ceremony and afterward in supporting you. Depending on timing, she will meet with each person 2-3 times for 30 minutes and the entire group 1-2 times for half-hour to 1 hour.

Where we gather

New Mexico
Ceremonials are always in person. I have a location in Albuquerque, NM that is divine.

Northern California
You can come to Northern California (the Bay Area); in most cases there will be no travel fee from me required.

Other Locations
You can opt for another location in the United States or Europe. If you choose a location please, have a location outdoors. Beaches, unless private, are not appropriate for ceremonies.

An important note

These ceremonies do not replicate, in any way, traditional ceremonies of Native Americans or any indigenous people. I/Native people do not sell or profit from ceremony.

These ceremonies are my soul creation, they are land related and infused with indigenous wisdom I have learned and created from my walk in the Native tradition.