In Person Monthly Ceremonies
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In Person Monthly Ceremonies

In-Person Monthly Ceremonies

If you’re hungry for in-person spiritual connection, circle up in Ceremony

We need one another. We need to see each other and hear one another.
We gather in person because we recognize the desire to be in a shared holy experience. In community we circle up to ground ourselves in sacred ceremony.

Humanity is hungry for connection.
This is my way of feeding that need.

Should you want to deeply experience the impact of indigenous truth, beauty and wisdom in the company of like hearted souls the monthly ceremony may be a thoughtful way to honor your soul and spiritual path.


Ceremony is located between San Francisco and Silicon Valley, is a small coastal town called Half Moon Bay. My backyard holds the gathering circle.

Each month on a Sunday evening from 6:30 – 8:00 we circle up to pray, honor, release, surrender and steep ourselves in spiritual blessings.

Each ceremony has a particular focus, for example, The Self-Forgiveness and Healing of the Wounds Ceremony.

I call the circle to gather and lead us in the blessing of ceremony.
During the ceremony each person speaks to the ceremony within.
Once there is feeling of completion within each person I close the ceremony.

I have the right to ask anyone to leave at anytime.

Receive an Invitation to Attend

If you would like to receive an invitation each month about the ceremonies please Contact Melanie here. You may receive an email requesting a brief phone call as I like to meet and know who will be in attendance.

Sign up required before attendance.

Disclaimer: When you sign up for this email and attend ceremony you agree to:
Respect my home and property. You agree to not hold me, my family or our estate financially liable for any injury you may sustain on the property. You agree to be solely responsible for your emotional, mental and physical well being and will not sue or otherwise ask for any compensation or to sue me or my family for any experience on the property.


Sunday, October 6th at 6:00 pm-7:00


$30.00 per ceremony

Additional Information

What this is

Sacred gathering to honor your soul
A public offering that is privately held
A circling up with intention
A place of communion

What this is not is:

New age experience
A place to process/coach or offer advice
Not religious

What makes this indigenous influenced?

Ceremony are created with the influences of my indigenous background and wisdom.

I bring that spirit and intention to the ceremony. Outdoors we gather to be relationship with the elements, to remember who we are and connect to nature’s wisdom.

I do not copy ceremony from my traditional life in these ceremonies.
I am not a shaman or medicine woman. I am not holding traditional ceremony
I craft each ceremony originally.

What else:

While there is no commitment to return a regular attendance will have a more profound impact.

I have the right to ask anyone to leave at anytime.


Contact Melanie here.