Divine Becoming
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Divine Becoming

Divine Becoming

In this group, I will be offering:

  • Access to a supportive, members-only digital community
  • Live channeling of Divine messages – set your intentions and allow me to be the vessel for guidance. These channeled messages will be offered three times per month, and will occasionally include 1:1 specific messages for individuals who join me live on the calls, as well as messages for the group heart.
  • Access to recordings of the group calls, so you can re-watch anything or receive the group messages on your own time, if you were unable to join live.

As this group evolves and grows, I will be adding additional content over time.

You will always have access to the entire library of content – and as the price increases with the added richness of what I am offering over time, your price will always remain the same, for as long as you remain an active member of the group.

The full price I will be offering to the world is $600 for six months of access to the group. However, you have been a part of my community, and have already committed to Belonging. To honor your presence and commitment, I am offering you the community pricing for a limited time.

From now until the end of May, you can join Divine Becoming for $450 for six months of access.

Dear Ones,
You know who I am and yet there has been more revealed in my Becoming.

How many times has the past re-emerged in our world with the intention of holding us back from our own becoming – yours, mine, all of ours. We have been called to rise up to the fullest potential of our highest self, but we have continued to allow ourselves to be caught and entangled, or distracted from our path.

There’s no more time for this.

I’m hearing the call to give at a deeper level. And in that deepening, in that honoring of my love of the Divine within, I am moving forward and answering the Call to provide powerful intuitive messages that will support your evolution, deepen your profundity while aligning you with ease and maturation; individual becoming and collective belonging

Many of you have heard the story I share of being on my third Vision Quest. On the third day of this quest, the ThunderBeings took me into the world of belonging, love and evolution.

Then they took me to a world that is devolving away from belonging: a world where children were being harmed, elders were forgotten and love was no longer rooted.

Here they asked: which world do you want to belong to? My reply was, “Of course, the world of beauty!”

“Then go create it,” they replied and left.

I had thought they wanted me to create a world of beauty alone.

In my own maturation I have learned that the world of beauty is created within. Together, as we see our countries and the world unraveling, we are called to be fiercely loyal to our talents and our gifts.

Divining is my gift. One I feared and hid – no longer.

This is why I am creating a community for everyone committed to building the world of beauty, love, and truth – the world of belonging. As your guide on this path, I will be holding space for your self-exploration and self-evolution as you search the depths of your own heart to discover your sacred work and the highest expression of your soul.