In His Honor & Yours
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In His Honor & Yours

In His Honor & Yours

MTE5NTU2MzE2MjgwNDg5NDgzAmerica’s Hero

Today is the day we remember Dr. Martin Luther King’s contribution to end racism, to end hate, to end a divide.

Today, give great love. Dignify others. Respect your elders. Give space for the opinion of others. Defend the rights of others. Open you heart to someone it has been closed. Learn about another culture with genuine interest. Care for someone you don’t care for.

It is not easy to speak up and take stand but silence in the face of hate is a weapon you use unconsciously. We are all God’s children. Our color, race, creed and religions are here to add texture to the mosiac of this uinverse. Do not be afraid of that which is different. Heal yourself and you diminish any hurt projected to others

We are all a little bit of Dr. King, a little Maya Angelou, A little Mother Teresa – all those icons we think we are not – we are.

I leave with a a video from Tavis Smiley taking a look at Dr. King’s speech (one of my favorites) A Call to Conscience.

In memory of the man and of the possibilities he made real in and for all of us.

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