Media Kit
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Media Kit

Media Kit

Melanie DewBerry
…is an Indigenous Ceremonialist resurrecting the
generative path of belonging to one another.

We are taught that to be an adult means you have a job, you raise your children well, and that maybe you do something for your spirit on the weekends. From grade school to business, what we teach is conformity and creativity if it can garner you stock options.

We are misguided. The more you have the more successful you are. This measuring stick is faced in the wrong direction. If we turn the stick to face the away from “more” toward being relationship with the earth and Creator within we have richer options. This path that shows us how to take our directives from our first teachers:

  • The Spirit and Thunder Nations who are waiting for us to listen and be brave from the West
  • Medicine, Your Own Original Medicine, and the Plant Nation comes from the North
  • New Beginnings and all New Beings, we turn the East
  • The Elders, Ancestors and Animal Nation are here to guide us from the South
  • The Great Mystery
  • The Land

The more we connect to these great teachers the more connected we are with each other, the land and its inhabitants.

Success can be defined by how much we care for one another, including our elders, children and the earth. Only benevolence can establish the wealth we each truly need.

A few of the places Melanie has spoken: