What is your original story?
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What is your original story?

What is your original story?

Dear Seeker of Self, Lover of Life, Exuberant One,

I was sitting in the pews of a Unitarian Church in San Francisco listening to David Whyte speak on the deep but dazzling darkness, beauty and courage that is the Harvest Presence. How yummy is that?

When he asked us to turn to people next to us and talk about why we are here today, these were the thoughts that slipped from my lips:

“On whose authority are we living our life?” “And what is my original story on this earth? Do we know our original story? The story that was born inside of us to be written into being?”

Your original story is just what it says – it’s from what and where you originated. Not your birthplace, it is the seedling of your soul self.

As you know, I soul name people. I’ve never been able to name anyone who didn’t know or at least admit to themselves their original story. I can’t name someone who isn’t ready to be known as such in the world.

Your original story answers the first question – on whose authority are you living your life?

Surprisingly, the answers can be varied. In my case, based on the events at my third Vision Quest, I’m here on the authority of the Thunder-Beings to create a world of beauty. But however you reply I’m certain of this:

The answer does not lie in the hands of others here on this planet with you. Our authority does not come from our culture, gender, race or income. That would leave us a limited experience of ourselves, others and with the universal all.

I’ve been diving into the dark matter of the soul these past few months. Going into locked closets, dark and forbidden soul places with myself and my clients. It’s the shadow world where we warehouse those pieces of us that others (culture, gender…..) have deemed unsightly and in bad form.

Others can serve as the judge who hands down the sentence, but often I find that we become our own jailer. At the very least this is true by the time we are biologically adults. By then we are free to release ourselves from a life term of hiding — if we have the burning fire of courage to do so.

If we remember the swaddle of hope and shine of faith.

It’s December, the winter month, when life as we know significantly changes. In the winter months it gets densely dark earlier and earlier. I love it.

When I step out into the dark at 5:30 pm it feels as though the Star Nation wraps me in a blanket of wonderment. I think all our original stories originate in nature which is why it feels so full to be in it.

Now starts the death that is to occur over the winter months. Death to old thinking, self-imposed jail terms, relationships that have long since ceased to be useful.

In death comes awareness. Anyone who has ever surrendered to death knows that grief and heartbreak bring huge wisdom. It’s the price we pay for wisdom.

As you step into the winter months, face the death of old and odd pieces of you that want to die. Exfoliate those off . Grieve them and then wander around your interior self and see what is now there.

Open up that closet where your shadow side lives and find the remains of your beauty self (that once you deemed useless) and re-examine its properties. I can guarantee you the beginning lines of your original story lie in these dark treasures.

I know we want to write our original story with fanfare and grandiosity, full of balloon-floating happiness. But be careful that’s not your wish story, your “it would all be so much better if I came from this” story.

Your original story has always been with you. Some of it is visible right now. Some of it is in the dark winter corners. Creak the door open just a bit and you will have more light to see in there. Treasures await you.

Here are some questions to get you into those corners. Scribe the answers that come from your interior – not your mind.

  • What are your textures? (e.g., sandpaper, velvet, ice)
  • How do they want to be represented?
  • What elements give you breath (e.g., wind, fire, forest, beach, mountains)
  • How do they want to be represented?

What pieces of you were told no, not that part of you? (Perhaps you were taught not to be visible, or told to be smart because ignorance is ugly, or encouraged to lose weight because fat is ugly)

What elements inside you have not met?
What truth have you not fully lived into?
What lie prevails?

These are my inquiries into your soul. Answer from there. Your mind hasn’t a clue.

Reach out if you want some Soul Navigation. That is why I am here, or so the Thunder-Beings told me – to bring Truth, Beauty and Love into this world, to remind you of your original story, to connect to your authority and to be free. Get in touch, if you are ready to be named and live your original story.

Admit It
Slowing Down to Feel the Power of Communion - More Wisdom from Eknath Easwaran
1 Comment
  • Laura Pringle
    Posted at 22:15h, 11 December Reply

    i love this! Ironically, I have just been digging my boxes of hidden memories from the depths of my closet, reading my old entries and putting them in chronological order. This winter time taking stock and forgiving my past self seems very necessary, esp since I’ve been having dreams in which I’m with people from my past. Your article really says in a symbolic way, what is actually happening with me!
    ‘ve always believed that our personal stories were like beautiful gems, and instead of Hollywood and sitcoms, why don’t we participate/appreciate more in our own, and others’ true stories? Thanks for your work!

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