You have arrived at the place where
Love and Courage is ready to be Graced by your Soul.
It is about time to make it about you and your journey.
There comes a time as we become wiser. We become impatient with anything that is not real within. You know there is a deeper you. That you that does not negotiate nor compromise your voice, truth and Self Knowing. You are shedding conforming ways that have kept you from your Self. You’ve turned to every direction, perhaps in avoidance, perhaps in search of Self and now you are here; willing to move deeper in alignment with your soul.
You know who you are. You are not lost. You have been on your own spiritual path for a long time and there is a new you emerging. S/he is almost here. There is something more coming forward from within you and you could use spiritual support. You have a spiritual promise to yourself to fulfill.
First, we meet on a 30-45 minute introductory call to discover if we are meant to work together. At the point of “Yes, let’s do this,” I send you an inquiry sheet for your completion and we schedule a 1.5-hour call.
During the second call, you share your story and I begin the listening that leads to customizing our time in New Mexico. I share how I work and together we design expectations and outcomes.
There will be pre-work for you to do before you arrive in New Mexico. We meet in Albuquerque, at the Los Poblanos Organic Lavender Farm. Here, swaddled in the beauty of the land and the peacocks that roam the property, on sacred land where the food we eat is grown, your spirit will open and your busy mind will quiet. This is the setting, the container of our work together. Undisturbed by the outside world, your body will relax, your heart is joyous and the soul recognizes its home. This is a benevolent place for a sacred experience.
You arrive in Albuquerque, New Mexico at Los Poblanos Organic Inn and Lavender Farm the day before we meet. We meet for 2 days or 3 days. I will already be onsite. Get comfortable and enjoy the beauty of this inn.
Transportation, hotel and meals are not included. Full payment is required before we gather in New Mexico.
Our days are spacious by design. We meet in the morning (as agreed upon on our call) in my suite and begin our work. Because our work is customized, what we will do is known later. However, what you can expect is known now: breakthroughs and advances, complete seeing of Self, agreements on practices of self care that include language and relationship shifts, understanding and standing in your authority, defining your voice, clarity of the hows of your purpose, agreements on what you will do next, And clarifying grounding and spiritual practices as a way of life to support you.
Most of the work will be done by the two of us together, and there are some pieces for you to do alone. There is time for rest throughout the day. This is a unique and divine exploration and declaration of Self.
We will schedule 2-3 follow up calls as I continue to support your integration.
I only meet in person, in New Mexico. This is because our fundamental work is best accomplished through a personal relationship where everything is sacred and nothing can be hidden.
As a seer and a hearer, my intuition can sense patterns that no longer fit you, what your soul’s desires are for you, what is next and what is to be eliminated (weeded). I listen as you speak and at the same time absorb what you’ve not said that I am hearing or seeing. I am not psychic. I am highly intuitive. I hear you. I don’t forecast. I see what is.
Who I am, is a daughter of this Universe. I have learned from my Native American elders how to live in accordance with the elements; fire, earth, water and the sky. I have been on the Red Road (Native American spirituality) for over twenty four years. I have be taught how to live and communicate with these elements. I have always been highly intuitive. I bring my own Indigenous wisdom to the contemporary world in a way they can understand and apply for their soul advancement. I am grounded. I am an Elder.
I am the author of The Power of Naming, Your Soul’s Journey to Your Indigenous Nature, published in 2017 by Hay House. I am TEDx speaker in Vienna and Vancouver, an international keynote speaker. I am a co-founder of Choice magazine, as well as the columnist of The Soul of Coaching for Choice. I have a Masters degree in Asian Economic Development & Political Risk from Dominican University, San Rafael, CA (this is when I really tried to fit and be normal!).
Melanie is an Indigenous Ceremonialist. She customizes the Soul Evolution experience for you, as you stand on the threshold of becoming. You were never meant to do this work alone. Together, you and I, create space for the unfolding of your next evolution.
Together weed out the fear exposing the beauty of your soul’s calling. This is the “home” of your soul and the fertile ground of your vision that will manifest. This is evolutionary spiritual work:
This is your intention to support the making of your beautiful mind and the consistent manifestations of your visions.
This is deep diving, soulful work.
This is not some new age experience.
This is grounding work, my intuition and your soul communicating.
This is not for beginners. It’s best if you’ve already done your healing work and some spiritual development.
This is putting the finishing touches on an already beautiful statue.
This is not taking a ball of clay and creating a statue.
This is for people who know they are here to fully explore their gifts/talents/art/work and are ready to move forward.