Soul Naming Kit
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Soul Naming Kit

Want Melanie to Name you?

“Working with Melanie was profound, restorative, and heart healing. I highly recommend stepping into this sacred arena of work with her when you are ready for your true Essence to be seen, your true Potential to shine forth and your inner gifts illuminated. Be prepared to be shifted, inspired, and aligned with your Highest Self!”

– Laurel Elders

Soul Naming Kit

Hello there, you Do-It-Yourself rebel, you!
You’re ready to claim your true name. I celebrate that.

The DIY Soul Naming Kit is where I start with my private clients, so it’s chock full of deep, lathered goodness to help you find your footing and claim your soul.

One psychotherapist in San Francisco called this Kit “Intense and informative.”
Another corporate coach in Sebastapol, CA opened it up and said, “Whoa – okay, I can’t wait!”

In the DIY Soul Naming Kit you will walk yourself through my naming process one delicious exercise at a time.

And, as you do, I encourage you to:

Be thoughtful. Be patient. Be heard!


  • You’re ready to speak clearly, with confidence while confirming your value.
  • You’re done with trying to get it right.
  • You’re a soulful human being putting out great work, but you don’t yet know how to speak out the words of what you do.
  • You need never negotiate your art or fees again.
  • You know who you are. Now you will name yourself & own your talent.
  • Your intentional rebelliousness and willingness to step out of the creative box to do work that MATTERS is real and needed.

(Pssst I’m RIGHT there with you)

But it’s exhausting, isn’t it?

Trying to convince yourself or others you mean what you say? That is so done, my friend.

What if you didn’t have to struggle to find the right words?

Imagine being able to introduce yourself to others and talk
about who you are and what you do – with clarity and confidence.

That’s where I step in.

You see, I know what it’s like to be a creatrix trying to use left-brained vocabulary to describe all the creative magic that you do.

Soul Naming is a right-brain, creative, non-traditional approach to branding.

For example, I could call myself a plain-&-simple “coach.” But that doesn’t encapsulate ME and everything I stand for.

Instead, I call myself a Soul Namer, a Wordologist, a Linguistic Intuitive.

Or there is Ann, another coach I worked with who is also a neuroscientist and a poet.

Nowadays, thanks to me, she’s better known as the Lyrical Poet of Consciousness.

Doesn’t that sound better? Ring more true?

It takes courage to grow up and be who you really are.

– EE Cummings

This isn’t your traditional branding work.

You see, I know what it’s like to be a creatrix trying to use left-brained vocabulary to describe all the creative magic that you do.

With my naming process, I tune in to your sacred soul identity.

I help you find the right-brain language that resonates with you and your future-favorite clients.

The words, metaphors, and symbols that tell your story quickly, succinctly, and powerfully.

Want a sneak peek at the goodness inside?
Click on the image to the left.

There are two paths open to you, oh amazing one, to begin this work:

  1. If you’d like personal guidance, go ahead and schedule a private Soul Naming Session with me.You’ll have me all to yourself (wink) and we’ll talk – at length. Afterwards, I’ll provide you with names that effortlessly encapsulate you, your products & services in a beautifully customized document, PLUS a plan-of-action to keep you moving forward.
  2. OR, you rebel, you — you can Do It Yourself.Go ahead and download the Do It Yourself Soul Naming Kit, right now, wherever you are. Work through the exercises that call to you. There are 25, in total. And they all lead to you claiming and naming what it is you really do.

The world is waiting for you to express your radiant truth & your soul calling.

What are you waiting for?