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Speaking Beauty, Truth & Wisdom

I am Rooted But I Flow

– Virginia Woolf

Melanie is a masterful interactive speaker, who evokes audiences to the relevance of their own wisdom, integrity, and courage.

Melanie’s indigenous wisdom is rooted in the here and now. Practical and applicable, she walks people into the shared experience of belonging to one another. She allows people’s personal experiences to speak to them directly.

When Melanie takes the stage, you can count on a few things:

  • She is a thought provoker who challenges listeners to new levels of inner truth.
  • She opens her audience’s access to innate wisdom, compassion and sense of belonging.
  • Her organic humor brings ease to the audience, allowing them to hold and absorb high level conversations with lightness.
  • Her content is immediately applicable.
  • Her conversations have personal and professional relevance.
  • Her content sticks long after her presentation.
  • You will want to ask her back.

Attendees leave richer in spirit and joyous from laughter.

A Sampling of Keynote Offerings

The Case for Tree Hugging, Whale Watching and Star Gazing

On the indigenous path we often say “all my relations” in acknowledgment that this earth and her offspring are an intelligent sources for us to hear their wisdom, learn from, care for and use their medicinal proper-ties. In a world that is taught to turn away from the natural world beyond a weekend hike or vacation, nature is out there instead of within. In this sensory based keynote attendees experience the stories, wisdom and truth of the natural world. A humbling and soul expanding conversation that will stay with you.

The Compassionate Promise of Confrontation; Rewiring the fear of speaking up

It is with good reason that we avoid speaking up even when know not do-ing so makes us complicit in harm. The word confrontation brings up im-ages of battle, slay or be slayed. Our concerns of being misunderstood, the other being defensive are worthy. How do we approach these difficult yet necessary conversation? We have to be brave with our own vulnera-bility. And we seek to root oneself and other in betterment that a desire to uproot, change or destroy.

The Power of Naming (TEDx talk & Book)

Who are you? If you move beyond your talents, skills, vocation and roles for your identity who is at your core? Can you hear and cultivate your own wisdom, allowing it to lead you; even lead you away from the domi-nant societal ways? If you wriggle out of all the identities that others have foisted on you, who is left? These are the central questions Melanie pos-es, as together, you’ll explore your soul’s yearning to be known. Naming is attending to the natural evolution states that every being has available to them. Evolution matures, refines, and calls you into becoming the someone you have always been, again and again.

Being Brave About Love at Work

Oh, the love word. It conjures up frightening touchy-feely images; held over from the days when it was said that emotions didn’t belong at the work place. Like emotions, love has been deemed inappropriate at work. Love is the seed that germinates maturity, emotional intelligence, facing and integrating change. Love is integrity building. Love is the maker of resiliency, compassion and fortitude. This Keynote is designed to demys-tify the fear of love in the workplace, giving down-to-earth love based practices to integrate love in your business. Love, we can do this.

Meet Me In The Teepee

In the teepee we circle to know ourselves, one another, and to be with imbued with wisdom. Here, brand newborn doe-eyed child, line-etched long gray hairs, young one just learning to walk, and the soon-to-be adult on her own come together to hear the tales of their ancestors. Tales of nature, of history, and of what is becoming. Everyone has a story that is generative. In this very interactive Keynote, the audience learns how to tell stories, impart wisdom, take in universal truths and see each other as an invaluable to the whole of all of us. This is the space of belonging to one another.

Languaging Consciousness (A TEDx talk, Vienna, Austria)

Imagine there are words that, when spoken, draw you closer to people and deepen your relationships. Words that pry apart those reasons that keep you separate and, over time, give you an experience of oneness that you’ve read about. Imagine that you could have this experience over and over again – a series of unbroken experiences that give you inner peace that is shared by you with everyone and everything you touched.

It’s a tall order that only a language comprised of words that have a high resonance to the soul, that reveal the beauty of you, that speak truth and love can answer. Sacred Words have been in our presence for hundreds of years but until now we’ve reserved these words for religious purposes only.

If you are at all suspect that words can create more peace, connection and love, then consider the language of violence; even subtle violence like the language of indifference. This keynote will leave you with a high resonant language that will give you deeper connections, a path for diffi-cult conversations and an eye into the humanity of all.

Where Melanie speaks

  • Women’s conferences
  • Corporate annual retreats,
  • Spiritual and personal growth events,
  • Wherever wisdom and evolution wants to prevail.
To engage Melanie:

Click here to contact her, or call 650-346-3581.