What I Love About Wall Street
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What I Love About Wall Street

What I Love About Wall Street

I’m not going to even make you wait to read what I love about the financial meltdown that the Wall Street greedy created for us. It is this: we now know in our bones that there are no rules. We are soulful, spiritual beings who are self-governed by the values of life and love. All the rules that we were taught in school and in business are gone. Those rules were about conformity, not originality. It was about fitting in to some preconceived notion about how we should all act. It was behavior modification with a paycheck.

This a world, an economy, where no one has to “fit in” any more, a world where being appropriate is as dead as it has always been soul-defeating. This is a world where the artist that lives in each one of us is liberated and thus now called to action to impart that soul wisdom beauty that will transform how we treat this earth and every living thing it holds.

If we didn’t believe that following the party line destroys your soul before the crash, we do now. This is your creative epicenter. Our world is not falling apart; only our false image of it is. Hoo-fucking-ray!

My shout-out doesn’t mean the journey from there to here isn’t uncomfortable. I often feel like I’m wearing jeans a size too small, but there is Spandex, my friend. Stretch it!

Fear not, my friends; we are in great company. Every second, someone is answering their personalized call to get on it. As Sandi Davis says, “I am at a time in my life where I will not strive for success. I will only engage.” (Girl, you have the velvet touch!) Chris Guillelbeau calls for nonconformity. (Yes, thank you!)

Look, we are here to add our somethin’ somethin’, our no-nonsense, our don’t fuck with that part of me. You have that mojo. You have the courage. You have a community to love you into the expression of it. (You may have to go find them, but they are there.)

You, my friend, are part of creating Critical Mass. Critical Mass is the minimal amount of something needed to create or sustain a venture. For me, the venture is transformation, evolution, love–that kind of groovy thing. It’s full of Soul. It’s thoughtfully rich. And it’s about time.

There’s a movement happening–one of epic proportions. You’re about to be involved. Hold on … more to come …


Distractions, Obstacles and Shiny Objects ... aka Pain
The Little Engine That Could. Maybe.
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